Tomorrow's forecast: blizzard. This pre-blizzard 'small' snow drift was taken at Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park yesterday. I took some time this past weekend to hike around, take photographs, and most importantly introduce our new puppy, Cider, to Jordan Pond. He officially loves running through the 'small' snow drifts at full speed, it's more like a belly-flop with legs everywhere. After tomorrow's 2 feet of fresh snow and 50 mph wind gusts, this scene will look completely different - ah, the impermanence of nature. To learn how to create images like this, consider taking one of my nature photography workshops in Acadia National Park.
EXIF data: Nikon D800, 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/14, 1/125 sec, ISO 200, 1/25/15, 1:42 PM
Small Snow Drifts, Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine