Everything was in alignment tonight: the light, the tides, the seals, the surf and we were there to capture the moment. It's rare to have perfect conditions when shooting the seals on our Sunset Cruise. Tonight it all came together and presented a beautiful opportunity to shoot the seals with the surf. We were witnessing the surf push the seals off the ledge and into the ocean. After shooting for 20 minutes, all the seals were washed off East Bunker Ledge in Seal Harbor, Maine. To learn how to create images like this, consider attending one of my nature photography workshops in Acadia National Park.
EXIF data: Nikon D800, 300mm + 1.4 tc, f/7.1, 1/1250 sec, ISO 800, 7/30/15, 5:45 PM
Innocent Seal Pup, East Bunker Ledge, Seal Harbor, ME