Wow, last weekend's Acadia Night Sky Festival in Bar Harbor, ME featured an aurora! I couldn't believe I was the only person at Jordan Pond to witness the event. I think everyone else was sleeping at 2:00 in the morning. Friday evening the aurora forecast was 'quiet', but I checked just before going to bed and the aurora was increasing and expected to peak around 1:30 AM. I grabbed my gear and headed to Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park, my favorite location to shoot the aurora given it faces north and it's 1.5 miles from my house. As I drove into the parking lot - no cars and I'm thinking to myself how can this be? There are thousands of people participating in the Night Sky Festival, maybe they're down at the pond. Nope, no one at Jordan Pond. I set up my camera and hung out for an hour, all alone, shooting the aurora. I was texting my wife, Brenda, while she was at work. To learn how to create images like this, consider taking my night sky photography workshop on Mount Desert Island.
EXIF data: Nikon D800, 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/22, 30 secs, ISO 3200, 9/27/14, 2:04 AM
Aurora At Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine
Aurora Text Message From Brenda