They're cool oval shaped colors that appear on the surface of water reflecting the colors in the sky. Yesterday evening I was out on our boat exploring options for the Sunset Cruise Safari and came across some outrageous skypools (link scientifically explains the phenomena) just off Mount Desert Island. My shutter continued snapping away for at least 30 minutes - I'm crazy for this kind of abstract photography! Below is a potpourri of shots taken yesterday, including a sunset. To learn how to create images like these, consider taking one of my nature photography workshops in Acadia National Park.
EXIF data: Nikon D800, 300mm, f/5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, 5/21/14, 7:19 PM
Skypools just off Mount Desert Island, Maine
The Katherine Louise lobster boat out of Southwest Harbor, Maine
Mount Desert Island western mountains silhouette by the sunset with foreground skypools.
Contrails lit up by the sunset. My camera was pointed up, down, sideways and all-around.
Another favorite skypool from yesterday, this one has a bit more tension.
Ending the series with a quiet lobster buoy.